duminică, 23 noiembrie 2008

Big and little. IB class and teacher Gina Posirca.

I worked with students at the computer room and I viewed the story "The giant and the boy." Children have repeated the words giant and the boy. Then they drew different objects big and little. They told each other what they drew and which are big or little.
I then chose different objects, toys and books, big and little. Children spoke: “ my toy is big, my toy is little, my book is big, my book is little...
With designs that activity will make the class book: “big or little”.

2 comentarii:

Carme spunea...

Your children made a beautiful work! They speek a very good english! Congratulations! How many hours do they study english a week?
Carme, Spain

Gina Posirca spunea...

Hello Carme,
Thank you!Also your kids are wonderful, they are... little ...
My students learn English one hour a week.I have included our project in their English hour.My students and I learn English with tales ...